Things they don't tell you about being a parent | Women

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Things they don't tell you about being a parent

25 August 2018 War Cry cover image
Posted August 25, 2018

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Things they don’t tell you about being a parent: you will be in actual, physical pain most days of your life due to being bowled over, head-butted and karate-chopped.

Things I wish I had known about being a parent: perfection is not possible. As much as you want to shield your child from harm, getting hurt is a fundamental part of life. Sometimes your child will even be hurt by you. Yes, being a parent is about loving your child unconditionally—it’s also about saying sorry, when needed.

Things you can only learn the hard way: You know those long, exhausting nights when your child won’t sleep, and you honestly think you won’t get through this? That complete sacrifice-of-self creates a bond so strong that you would not hesitate to lay your life down for your child.

This week we celebrate Father’s Day, and the essential role dads play in their children’s lives. In this issue, we’re focusing on stay-at-home dads, who are intimately involved in their children’s lives and challenging gender stereotypes.

Some have argued that we shouldn’t be giving fathers so much attention, for simply doing what mothers have done for centuries—without getting much credit at all. However, I don’t know any relationship that benefi ts from a lack of gratitude.

For all our sakes, we need to appreciate the dads that provide a positive, active and loving presence in their children’s lives. When our children benefit, we all benefit.

Thank you dads, for all you do.

Ingrid Barratt

Bible verse:

1 Chronicles 29:17
I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity …

1 Ngā Whakapapa 29:17
E mōhio ana hoki ahau, e tōku Atua, e whakamātauria ana te ngākau e koe, e manako ana hoki koe ki te tika …