Mother's Day 2024 | Women

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Mother's Day 2024

Everything you need to share joy, hope & aroha on Mother's Day, held on 12 May.
Hope Joy and Aroha

Download free resources for Mother's Day on 12 May

Every person in this world has a mother, yet our experience is unique to each of us. This year, we have been inspired by the moving story of the Shummanite woman, found in 2 Kings 4:8-37, which portrays both the joy and grief interwoven into our experiences of motherhood - find out more by going to our Bible Study.

Why We Celebrate Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a way we can celebrate the significance of mothers: to our lives, to whānau and to society. As life-bearers, motherhood is a sacred way women reflect the image of our creator God. We take joy in the mothers who nurtured us with cords of human kindness and aroha - whether by birth or by God's placement in our lives. Mothers are leaders, servants, hard workers, and role models. This is just one way women make the world a better place.

We come before the God of all love, who covers us like a hen covers her chicks from the storm.

Mother's Day can also be a day of hope for those who live with unanswered prayer, as children and as mothers. If we are grieving on Mother's Day, this is an opportunity to come before the cross and allow God to breathe new life into us.  We come before the God of all love, who covers us like a hen covers her chicks from the storm. We thank God for all the mothers who reflect God's unfailing love, in the many ways they show aroha and care every day.