Precious Packages Samoa | Women

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Precious Packages Samoa

Care packs for babies needing hospital care
Precious Packages Samoa

This year, our Territory is joining together to provide life-saving essentials for premature and newborn babies in Samoa.

Families with babies that need hospital care face incredible hardship in Samoa, at a time that is already distressing. But just a few essentials can be literally life-saving. This is where we come in! This year, we're fundraising for care packs that will go towards out most precious packages: our babies.

The initiative was sparked when a Samoan Corps family had a baby born at 28 weeks. The corps rallied around the family, but it was an eye-opener for Regional Leader Captain Julie Turner. ‘Many families in the NICU (Newborn Intensive Care Unit) are really suffering. Our family’s baby was so little, their hand was smaller than my thumb. They hadn’t developed a suckling reflex, so premature formula was essential. However, parents have to bear this cost, and just one tin costs almost a week’s wages. Premmie nappies are hard to find, and they also cost almost a week’s wage.

' ...just one tin of formula costs almost a week’s wages.'

‘It’s not uncommon for one parent to have to leave their job because of childcare needs, while the other parent is at hospital full-time. If no childcare is available, the other children may need to stay in the hospital too. Our people are very resilient, and they won’t complain about sleeping on the floor. But I could see that simply providing a sleeping mat, would make the world of difference,’ reflects Julie. 'Even something as simple as distilled water can really help a breast-feeding mother.'

The Samoan corps were able to support their family and they had a wonderful outcome: their precious package is now thriving, and at four months old was recently dedicated at the corps.

However, Julie wanted to find a way to help other families going through the same thing. And that’s how ‘Precious Packages Samoa’ was created! For $150-$200 a pack, we can help Samoa to buy local, life-saving essentials.

Packs will be tailor-made for families most in need, and may include:

  • A sleep mat and cover
  • Nappies
  • Premature or newborn formula
  • A manual breast pump
  • Distilled water
  • Snacks
  • A care pack for mothers
  • A food grant or parcel

How can I help?

We're confident our wāhine will get behind this amazing initiative. The best thing we can do is to raise money, so the right products can be bought locally, tailored to each family. The fund-raising opportunities are endless, and we can't wait to hear your stories.

Meanwhile, keep checking back here, as we will be posting resources and ideas throughout the year.