Triumph out of Tragedy | Women

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Triumph out of Tragedy

02 May 2020 War Cry NZFTS
Posted May 2, 2020

Read this edition online.

The most famous mother in the Bible is Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her life experiences were both tragic and triumphal. The responsibility entrusted to her by God was immense, but her reply to the angel who announced Christ’s imminent conception was ‘…let it be to me according to your word’.

Mary had her own cross to bear: she witnessed the brutal death of her son. I have no doubt that Jesus would have, on some level, prepared her for this event, but the reality must have been an agony. Mary endured because she knew the cross was not the end of the story. She knew that out of a seemingly monumental miscarriage of justice would come the redemption offered by Christ to humanity. Triumph out of tragedy.

In this edition of War Cry is the moving story of Joanne Guy, who tragically lost her son. Joanne shares her heartbreak and sorrow, but also her enduring faith in an ever-present God, and how life can continue on despite tragedy and still be beautiful. We also have the roller-coaster ride of another mother who  gives birth during lockdown.

I do not know a mother who has not had her tough and tragic days—it seems to be embedded in the job description—so I hope you will take the time to honour your mother this Mother’s Day. It may only be a memory, or a lockdown phone call, but however you choose to observe this special day, I hope it will be in recognition of the sacrificial nature of the role of mum.

Vivienne Hill

Bible Verse

1 Corinthians 16:13–14
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love. 

1 Koriniti 16:13–14
Kia mataara, e tū i runga i te whakapono, whakatāne, kia kaha. Kia meatia ā koutou mea katoa i runga i te aroha.