The troublers among us | Women

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The troublers among us

26 January 2019 war cry promo
Posted January 26, 2019

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Over the summer holidays a couple of people spoke words of encouragement into my life. It was just what I needed, and helped re-ignite a passion for my job. We need encouragers in our life, in the same way that we need sun and rest and the occasional ice cream. They bring joy and life.

Major Seth Le Leu reminded me the Army needs ‘troublers of Israel’—something the prophet Elijah was called disparagingly. Later, Catherine Booth called it ‘disturbing the present’. And I was greatly inspired by talking to a real life ‘disturber’ Major Campbell Roberts. He has stood on the front lines of protest, and spoken truth to power.

But perhaps what encouraged me the most, was that Campbell admitted it hasn’t always been easy. He questioned himself, and was often criticised. He was honest enough to say that the harshest criticism came from within the Army, not from without.

It’s a hard thing to hear, but one that needs to be said. Brothers and sisters, why do we spend our energy tearing each other down, instead of building each other up?

Campbell and Ross Richards were both recognised in the New Year’s Honours. We, also, need to celebrate and honour each other; that’s why I am so pleased to be able to congratulate them in this issue. The ‘troublers’ amongst us need us to be cheering them on.

Ingrid Barratt

Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Ihāiah 41:10
Kaua e wehi; kei a koe nei hoki ahau; kaua anō e tirotiro; ko ahau nei hoki tōu Atua: māku koe e whakakaha, āe rā, māku koe e āwhina,
ka tautokona ake anō koe e te ringa matau o tōku tika.