Better together: A video message from the Territorial Leaders | Women

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Better together: A video message from the Territorial Leaders

Posted April 24, 2024



We are pleased to share a video with you all, which highlights the significant changes we are implementing as we move to a new way of doing mission together across Aotearoa New Zealand, called Local Mission Delivery supported by a Connected Support Network.

This video is for everyone within The Salvation Army: congregations, officers, staff and volunteers. Please share widely and show this video to your congregations, your direct reports and colleagues, and our volunteers.

We believe that we are better together, and these changes will enable us to respond in a more connected way to the growing needs we see all around us, and to live out the good news of Jesus as we care for people, transform lives and reform society by God’s power.

God bless you all.

Commissioners Mark and Julie Campbell
Territorial Leaders

Download video from Vimeo