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Symbol cards are a great way to encourage conversation, openness and vulnerability in a small group setting. Using imagery as a conversation starter encourages people to open up and push past the surface-level much quicker and easier.

Symbol cards are a great tool to add to your ministry kete - whether it's small groups, youth ministry or kids church! This symbol cards first edition pack contains 50 cards.

Symbol cards are a great way to encourage conversation, openness and vulnerability in a small group setting. Using imagery as a conversation starter encourages people to open up and push past the surface-level much quicker and easier.

Symbol cards are a great tool to add to your ministry kete - whether it's small groups, youth ministry or kids church! This symbol cards pack is created with kids in mind but can be used with any age or group!

Posted August 30, 2018

On 2 September we celebrate Father’s Day—defined as ‘a celebration honouring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society’, according to Wikipedia.

Posted June 27, 2018

Many times in min­istry, we are called by God to work along­side peo­ple with com­pletely dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ties, pas­sions, dri­ves, trig­gers, and meth­ods to our­selves.

Three different discipleship guides to encourage one to one discipleship, spiritual partnerships and outreach accountability in your setting.

One-2-one Discipleship and Spiritual Partners: guides for how to start discipling relationships, practical tools for your first and subsequent meetings (One-2-one discipleship is where a more mature Christian helps a newer Christian develop, while Spiritual Partners are people of similar spiritual maturity wanting to help each other grow). Four pages long, designed to print on a single A3 page, double-sided and folded.

Seven sermons and seven separate small group studies for understanding dynamic discipleship - based around loving God and loving others.

Note: to obtain a copy of The Lads song 'Cross With a Pillow' for use with these resources. Please email missionteam@nzf.salvationarmy.org