Prayer Squares: A Prayer for Reduced Inequality (SDG #10) | Women

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Prayer Squares: A Prayer for Reduced Inequality (SDG #10)

Our Prayer Squares are a freely-printable resource to help you pray for women and girls, and the world, using the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as an engaging framework.

Download the Sustainable Development Goal Prayer Squares
Read more of the Salvationist Prayers for Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as 'an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.'

We believe that prayer is the biggest action a Christian can begin with. Will you join us in an urgent call for prayer, as we intercede for women and girls through each of the Sustainable Development Goals?

Prayer for Sustainable Development
Goal #10: Reduced Inequality | Find out more
Reduce inequality within and among countries

  • Women are vulnerable in discriminatory migration policies. Data shows 71% of countries impose some restrictions on spouses and partners joining migrants in their new country. In other cases, women’s migration status is tied to a resident or citizen spouse, preventing them from
    living autonomous lives and heightening already unequal power relations and possible exposure to violence.

'Apa Tamaqu keimami vakavinavinaka ni kemuni bulia na kawa tamata kecega. Ia Turaga, na vuravura e na gauna nikua, na marama kei na goneyalewa e ra vakaduiduitaki e na vuku ni roka ni yagodra, tovo vakavanua, vakabauta, rawa ka vakavuli, matavuvale e ra lako mai kina, tuvaki va ca ni kedrai rairai, vakanananu kei na veiduidui tale e so.

Keimami sa masu e na vukudra na marama kei na goneyalewa e na vuravura taucoko e ra vakalolovirataki e na vuku ni veivakaduiduitaki. Keimami sa masulaka ni na vaqeayavutaka sobu na veivakaduiduitaki e yaco tiko e na matanitu, vakabisinisi, koronivuli, lotu, matavuvale kei na vanua. Kemuni na Kalou sa dau vakatulewa dodonu ka cata sara nai valavala ca kei na veivakaduiduitaki. E na veiliutaki na yalomuni na Yalo Tabu, solia mai vei keimami na nomuni vakatulewa dodonu me raw ni keimami kila na yalomuni.

Na nomuni Yalo Tabu me yavala ki vei ira na veiliutaki me ra tucake ka vosa e na vukudra na marama kei na goneyalewa. Turaga, ni solia lesu tale na dodonu ni veiliutaki ki vei ira na marama kei na goneyalewa me rawa ni ra vakayagata na nodrai solisoli kei na nodra taledi me laveti cake kina na yacamuni tabu ka me ra yaco me ra I sausau vinaka e vuravura taucoko.

Tamaqu, ni sauma mai na neimami masu ni keimami sa kaciva na yacamuni tabu. Jisu nai Vakabula, emeni.'

'Abba Father, we thank You that You created all people in your own image. But, Lord, in the world today, women and girls are treated with inequalities which label them by their skin color, culture, beliefs, academic achievements, family backgrounds, abilities and disabilities, viewpoints and other differences.

We pray on behalf of all women and girls around the world who are treated with inequality. We pray that you will eliminate these inequalities in governments, in churches, in businesses, in education, in families and in the nations as a whole.

You, Lord, are the God of justice and you hate sin and injustice. Through your Holy Spirit, give us your righteous judgement to understand your heart, that there are neither black or white, rich or poor, slave or free, female or male, but we are all one in Christ Jesus.

Move through the leaders to stand up and speak on behalf of women and girls who can’t speak for themselves. And Lord, restore the privilege of equality to women and girls so they may use their gifts, their talents and their skills to glorify your name and make a difference in the world today.

Father, answer our prayers as we call on your name. In Jesus’ name, amen.'

- Cadets Mereani Betena and Eleni Daucakacaka from The Salvation Army School for Officer Training