WM Hope against Hope prayer printable | Women

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WM Hope against Hope prayer printable

If this Christmas season bears down on you with a peculiar weight this year - as nations and environments are torn apart, as children and families are displaced and detained - reach out to God in prayer.

This litany implores us to seek God in the midst of the disjointed, the disaffected and the brokeneness of our lives. We look to the Christ of the displaced, once again. Christ the immigrant.

Christ the unloved. Christ the unrecognised.

Christ, the Saviour of the world.

This litany is available in A4, A5 and A6 for free printable download below. Why not gather together in this season to pray and intercede?

About the author: This litany was penned by Carol Penner, a Mennonite pastor currently teaching theology at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario. We thank Carol for her beautiful gift - check out more of her writing at Leading In Worship, with many resources for prayer and encouragement. All writing remains the copyright of the author.

We hold on to you, believing in your ability to be born again even in times like these.

Hope Against Hope prayer

'God who hears us: as advent begins, we are already filled up with waiting.

Waiting to hear the next report of bad news; another mass shooting, another refugee crisis, another famine, another environmental disaster, another deadly virus outbreak, another war.

The news is a litany of things to fear that fills our heads with dread. We wait for your help. Remind us of Mary and Joseph, ordinary people living in a country under the boot of an oppressive regime, who believed in your salvation, holding on to hope against hope.

We hold on to you, believing in your ability to be born again even in times like these.

Give us eyes to see your arriving, as we do the hard work of being decent in the rough and tumble of family life.

Give us ears to see your arriving as we hear prophets proclaim good news that the powerful will be brought down and those who live in poverty will rejoice.

We long to touch the hem of your garment so that those we know who are sick could be healed, those who are grieving could be comforted.

We long to taste your good news! In this season of growing darkness, keep our eyes fixed on the pinpoints of light, that shine and shine because nothing can put them out.

In the name of Jesus, our hope, we pray, amen.'

Copyright Carol Penner www.leadinginworship.com

Hope Against Hope A4

Type: PDF
Size: 783.97 KB
Date: 27 Nov 2018

Hope Against Hope A5

Type: PDF
Size: 1.17 MB
Date: 27 Nov 2018

Hope Against Hope A6

Type: PDF
Size: 2.01 MB
Date: 27 Nov 2018