'Be still and know that I am God...' | Women

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'Be still and know that I am God...'

Fellow rushing women, we are getting all churned up and it’s not healthy for us!
Woman relaxing on the beach
Posted December 19, 2011

'Be still and know that I am God...' Psalm 46:10

I recently heard about a syndrome that New Zealand nutrition and weight loss specialist Dr Libby Weaver PhD is talking about. It is called 'rushing women’s' syndrome. I immediately identified with it! Do you? Perhaps it’s just my season of life with a young family and a busy ministry to take care of? Yet I look at the women around me and see many, even some who are retired, suffering from the same damaging condition. Every day is filled with expectations and demands. No matter how much we pack into each day, a nagging feeling remains that there is more that we could or should have done.

Ruth Haley Barton, one of my favourite Christian authors, describes the problem this way. She says that she was so busy attempting to meet all the demands in her life that she had become like a jar of river water all shaken up. What she needed was stillness and silence so that the sediment could settle and the water become clear.

Fellow rushing women, we are getting all churned up and it’s not healthy for us! We need to stop and rest. We need to find a place of silence and solitude. We need to be still and know that God is God and through our personal communion with Him find peace and a new perspective for everyday living.

By Jenny Collings