Finding peace in this messed up world | Women

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Finding peace in this messed up world

Flower in ash
Posted June 20, 2017

ISIS attacks, genetically modified foods, teen pregnancy, suicide, finding a house or job, trouble disciplining children, lack of morals in society, loneliness, abuse... there seems to be an unlimited number of things that can cause anxiety in this world of ours.

Philippians 4:6-7 -'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.'

If I asked you right now, you could probably name many things you feel anxious or fearful about. But the word of God says that we have a tool to overcome this stress!

I sat down and asked God: 'How can we find peace … true peace, that surpasses all understanding?' And I found God answering: 'Only in Me (Jesus), can you have peace.'

Seek God's peace prayerfully

1 Peter 5:7 - 'Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.'

Any time we spend with God, reading His Word or praying - is time well spent.

When I'm anxious about something, I first see if there are any promises in the Bible that I can claim for the situation. I also find it helpful to write down all the things I hope for in the particular situation and turning them into prayers. I then 'pray them into being' - ask God to bless this hope and vision and make it happen.

It certainly helps turn my 'negative possibility' thinking into 'positive possibility' thinking.

A negative possibility is your mind envisioning something in the future negatively i.e when your child goes to university, all you can think about are negatives like him/her losing her faith, becoming sick or starving through lack of money. Basically, they're things you worry will happen.

A positive possibility is your mind envisioning that same thing in the future positively i.e for the same situation, you hope for the positives like him/her attaining their degree, having a good boarding situation where they're cared for spiritually and physically, that they find a good church to attend and that they make friends. These are what you hope will happen, what you can focus on and pray for instead of the negatives. This can help you to cope with the situation better.

Whatever the anxiety, bring it before God and thank Him for the way He's going to work it out. Sometimes we need to keep it before Him, until something works out. Sometimes persistence is needed.

Hold God's peace firmly

When we place our full confidence in God, and thank Him for every circumstance, He will give us a supernatural peace. We'll have an inner calmness of mind and heart - a peace which we can't even begin to understand.

That doesn't mean everything will turn out the way you want it to, it just means that you'll have a peace and calmness through it.

If you still can't find the peace you need; maybe the hurt is too deep and it's too big for you to handle - then talk to a mentor or a counsellor. It has to be someone you can trust.

Christian counsellors are wonderful - they will give you strategies to cope and eventually bring you to a place where God can work for you. That's how it happened for me.

Romans 8:28 - 'Now we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.'

Enjoy God's peace holistically

After we've prayed about our problem and thanked God for His answer (whether it is a 'Yes, no or maybe even wait') - we need to do something to take our minds off the problem. Do something you enjoy and something that helps you to connect with God.

You could:

  • Go for a bush walk if you love nature
  • Do a therapeutic colour-in
  • Read a book
  • Paint a picture
  • Write a poem
  • Spend time with friends
  • Sit in a chair and think
  • Watch videos that make you laugh
  • Bake something nice
  • Enjoy listening to worship 

Anything that engages your mind, body, spirit and soul in relaxing! This will help you ease those stress muscles, practice trusting God and enjoying peace even when matters are beyond your control.

You could try something as simple as 'Breath prayers' - a simple prayer you can say in the space of a breath, and continue that one prayer throughout the day. 'Bless them' 'Release me' 'Reveal yourself' 'I love you Lord'. Try it out and see how God continues to bring peace, even in the middle of the mess of this world.

John 14:16-18 - 'And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever - the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.'

By Tracy Andrews

WM author

Tracy is a Salvationist from Taupo Corps. She has a book of poetry called 'Poems From My Journey - From Heartache To Intimacy With God' available for purchase through this Facebook page.